I think i need to do something productive this week cos I've been bumming around for quite some time. I had to rush my pbm assignment last night as i forgot i has such an assignment to do (i had like a month to complete it) and it was so god damn hard to do cos i had to write a motivation profile for the 5 level of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs. Anyways i think i'm gonna fail my pbm cos i wrote like only 8 pages worth of nonsense or rather bullshit oh well i guess thats what you call assignments. Ok... Never mind i doubt most of you don't even know what I'm blabbering about. I'm kinda asking myself a very stupid question as it is rather hard for me to get the answer... my IT paper is on Friday and i haven't even opened or so to put it touched the book (ok wait i don't even know where is my IT book!) and i have work the whole of Thursday and i can bet with myself that I'll be too lazy to study... i know most of you will be thinking that i have Wednesday to study but i doubt I'll have the energy cos I'm working later at 1230pm - 4pm and i will be super shagged out. Damn! I hate my school life ok wait... maybe its just me and how i plan my schedule.
This are my IT topics for my paper and i have no shit clue of whatever it is about.
1) Generic and specific application
2) Rent or buy decisions
3) Stock control system
4) Procurement system, E-procurement system
5) Bespoke software,Benefits of Bespoke software
6) Booking reservation
7) Call Accounting system
8)Vertical market software, Horizontal market structure Chat online and in real-time with friends and family! Windows Live Messenger
OH AND I REALIZED ANOTHER THING... I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TIME IS MY PAPER! Most of you who know me, knows I'm super lazy and fucked up when it comes to school but arghhh school sucks.
I'm so so so so so so so sleepy cos i only slept for a few hours (3hrs) cos i was suppose to go to school with someone but that person didn't want to go cos he's too lazy to wake up. So here i am all dressed, hair, make up done sitting in front of the bloody laptop blogging and waiting for time to pass so i can go to work. I so feel like zham-ing the sleeping pill i have to fall asleep but then I'll be late for work cos I'll only wake up tomorrow. Ok i know what's going through your mind now... "why does she need sleeping pills?" I cant get to sleep at night and its so frustrating cos I'll be tossing and turning in bed till like 6am then only my eyes will close even though I'm super sleepy. I think I'm gonna rest my eyes for awhile. Chaos!