I cant seem to get to sleep again maybe its because i stayed too long at baby's place that now i'm not used to sleeping home. I know it sounds lame but yea. Last night i fell asleep at 7am in the morning after god knows how many rounds of Sushido on Viwawa. I need to try or rather force myself to sleep early and wake up early so i can do productive stuff during the day rather than just koon and koon. I dont know why but i cant get enough of Cooking Mama its like super addictive once you start to play, its so hard to stop cos you'll keep wanting to get gold. Even baby who is a guy is like kinda addicted to it and both of us have to like quarrel over it when who ever wants to play.
The weekend was a blast i would say cos on Friday night i met up with baby's sis and we went drinking then the rest of the gang went over to baby's place to chill and it was fun cos everyone or rather me and baby started talking crap which no one understand especially baby cos all he was talking about was army army army. Chilled till Saturday night then Yann and Mitch went over to someone else's place to chill. Sunday was like OMG! Baby and i had like Chilli crab again with like two other dishes then we had like maggie around 11pm then at around 1am we ordered Mac but even after that we were still super hungry. Baby woke up super early on Monday and started his nonsense and kept asking me to wake up. Had beef noodles at Golden Mile for lunch which i have been craving for a long long time then headed to Marina Square to watch Money Not Enough2. The movie was alright to me not that great as what others say.
Headed back to Tamp to have dinner at Japan (or is it Japaness) village. The Sushi there is like super cheap lah. One plate is only 99cents reguardless of any colour. After dinner we went to Ikea to get his room blinds. Tuesday morning again baby woke up early so we did his room. Finally the blinds are up so we dont need to use the blankets as curtains. He painted the other half of his room. I didn't know painting was so tiring! He made me pain his cupboard and i felt as though my arms were gonna break. LOL! So i guess his room is like half done just need to get the sofa and do up the light. I have a new cozy corner... yay!
Friday night-

Monday -

Part of baby's room -