Me & Rach: eh, go buy ciggis lah
Jun Bin: follow me i know where got sell
*walked into a cigar shop at Suntec
lady at the counter: sorry but the management says only 20years and above allowed into the shop no small kids
*me and candy looking at each other with a stun face, Jun Bin and Claud laughing their heads off
Jun Bin: er... all of us are 19 going on 20
lady: oh... sorry sorry i thought you all were 16 17
*all of us started laughing our heads off
I cant believe that, that happened and its like the first time. At starbucks Claud was telling everyone about doomsday which is Decemeber 21 2012. This got us all talking and a little nervous. I dont know if the rest of you have heard about it but ya its is predicted that the world is gonna end on Dec 21 2012. The Mayan calender, the ancient Egyptians and even NASA have predicted this. Can you believe it? Is the world really gonna end? If you haven read about this, maybe you should December 21 2012
Anyways, i've got a few pics so i'll upload them.