I am so proud of myself! I managed to wake up this morning and go for my 830am class. Yay me! I thought today was a full day lesson cos the time table wrote 830am-1130am then 1215pm-315pm i only realised that there are actually 2sessions which means you can either attend the morning or afternoon class but luckily i attened the morning one cos there were only like 10 or less people. After class i headed to town to get my bag and i started to panic big time cos i went to the other departmental stores asking for the bag with the colour i wanted and all repiled me with "sorry all sold out." I tired like 3places and i wanted to wanted to walk over to OG then i remembered that Paragon carries DKNY so i tried my luck and YAY i got the bag! I didnt expect it to be able to fill all my school stuff i can put like my books, water bottle, jacket and all my other nonsense in and there's still place. I am so happy!
This is the bag (FYI its all sold out)

Karlson's going back to Aussie tormorrow and i sure will miss him a whole lot! I think i need to start saving up money and go visit my cousins. Maybe before he goes back i'll go look him up cos his flight is in the afternoon.
Here's some random pics i took

(if your wondering, yes that is my cousin, he's half indian/chinese and he's just a year older than me)