Oh well... thats life and i have to deal with it!
In another 2days, its gonna be Valentine's day or rather lovey dovey day which to me is just another day or rather just another boring/lazy Saturday. Sometimes i dont understand why people especially girls get so worked up about it, is it because of all the presents and love you get from your boyfriends? Then i have to say something... dont your boyfriends shower you with gifts any other day and dont they love you even if its not the 14th of feb? Hmmmm... i wonder... so some guys only love their girlfriends on that date. Thats oh so so so sad.
Anyways, whatever i got to catch Bride Wars yesterday with Karlson and it was a super chick flick which i know in a million years no guy would enjoy it but it was nice. It was so fairytale like and how girls wanna live up to that dream wedding they've always had since they were little girls. I wished i had a bestfriend like Emma cos she's so so nice and caring but sad to say i dont and all my good friends are mostly guys who knows nuts about a girl's life. The only common topic we have is movies, movies and more movies and maybe which super hero is better.
P.S This is gonna be a really long post cos i'm really really bored with nothing to do and i cant get to sleep.
I'm currently reading a book called Ugly by Constance Briscoe and its a really good book but not as good as Cried Silent Tears and A Child Called "it".

Summary of the book :
I handed my school photograph to my mother. She stared from the photograph to me. 'Lord, sweet Lord how come she so ugly. Ugly. Ugly.'
Constance's mother systematically abused her daughter, both physically and emotionally, throughout her childhood. Regularly beaten and starved, the girl was so desperate she took herself off to Social Services and tried to get taken into care. When that failed, she swallowed bleach 'because it kills all known germs and my mother always told me I was a germ'.
When Constance was thirteen, her mother simply moved out, leaving her daughter to fend for herself: there was no gas, no electricity and no food. But somehow Constance found the courage to survive her terrible start in life. This is her heartrending - and ultimately triumphant - story.
I can never understand how a parent, can abuse their own flesh and blood be it mentally or physically abusing. How parents can sexually abuse their daughters and sons too don't they feel guilty and disgusted with themselves when they have sexual intercourse with their own child. Its like what pleasure do they get from doing it with their own child. Eeewww.... if i ever come across someone's parents like that, i think i'll just kill that person cos its like so wrong and disgusting. Oh My God! What is the world becoming to.
Ah i gotta go and surf facebook for awhile then head off to bed cos i've got class tomorrow at 1215pm. Chaos my love oh and Happy Valentine's Day.